Technology Web-Based Game : When game and web meet.

1. Web-based game: When game and web meet. By Akara & Maibog [] 2. What is web-based game 3. What is web-based game 4. What is web-based game 5. Why web-based…

Entertainment & Humor Anagnostou hgda

1. Kostas Anagnostou Department of InformaticsIonian University [email_address] 2. Game dev landscape in Greece Around 15 companies 2-40 employees Located mainly in Athens…

Education PlayerOne - Seminars Introduction

1. LUCA GALLI @Leyart86 PLAYER ONE Videogame Design for all Introduction 2. ABOUT ME LUCA GALLI Director of Production – Moonsubmarine ltd Shushing Fairy Ph.D. - Politecnico…