Documents tagged

MAPPING THE UNIFIED-FIELD; THE BLUEPRINT FOR CREATION Peering through the cosmic sphere - illustration from 'L'atmosphere: meteorologie populaire', Paris 1888,…

Documents Max- Planck- Institut fuer extr. Physik and and Astrophysics Dept, University of Oxford.

Slide 1Max- Planck- Institut fuer extr. Physik and and Astrophysics Dept, University of Oxford Slide 2 Slide 3 light year light year x km/s light year x km parsec) parsec)…

Documents Chapter 15: Chapter 15: The Milky Way Galaxy. WHAT DO YOU THINK? How many stars does the Milky Way.....

Slide 1Chapter 15: Chapter 15: The Milky Way Galaxy Slide 2 WHAT DO YOU THINK? How many stars does the Milky Way Galaxy contain? Where is our Solar System located in the…

Documents David Cole, Walter Dehnen, Mark Wilkinson University of Leicester Dark Matter in clusters, groups...

Slide 1David Cole, Walter Dehnen, Mark Wilkinson University of Leicester Dark Matter in clusters, groups and galaxies Nottingham-Birmingham extragalactic workshop Nottingham…

Technology Ngc 4151 03

1.Accepted for Publication in the Astrophysical JournalA Deep Chandra ACIS Study of NGC 4151. III. the Line Emission and Spectral Analysis of the Ionization ConearXiv:1103.1913v2…

Technology Astrophysical tests of_modified_gravity

1.Astrophysical Tests of Modified Gravity: Constraints from Distance Indicators in the Nearby Universe Bhuvnesh Jain1 , Vinu Vikram1 , Jeremy Sakstein2 ABSTRACTarXiv:1204.6044v2…

Documents x-ray chan..

Submitted for Publication in ApJ arXiv:1103.1912v1 [astro-ph.CO] 9 Mar 2011 A Deep Chandra ACIS Study of NGC 4151. II. The Innermost Emission Line Region and Strong Evidence…

Technology Ngc4151 01

1. Accepted for Publication in ApJ A Deep Chandra ACIS Study of NGC 4151. I. the X-rayMorphology of the 3 kpc-diameter Circum-nuclear Region andarXiv:1102.2661v1 [astro-ph.CO]…

Technology Alma observations of_feed_and_feedback_in_nearby_seyfert_galaxies

1. c ESO 2013Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. nugas1 September 17, 2013ALMA observations of feeding and feedback in nearby Seyfert galaxies: an AGN-driven outflow…

Education 20131010 bigbangmanuscript

1. How Students Can Observe the Bing Bang with an 11 Inch Telescope Hans-Otto Carmesin*, Fabian Heimann, Jan-Oliver Kahl *Gymnasium Athenaeum Stade, Harsefelder Straße…