Design The 2015 Customer Experience Outlook

The 2O15 Customer Experience Outlook Brought to you by Kerry Bodine & Doberman A Collection of Ideas for the Year Ahead 2015 CX Outlook 2 And we’re always looking for…

Marketing 2015 customer experience outlook

The 2O15 Customer Experience Outlook Brought to you by Kerry Bodine & Doberman A Collection of Ideas for the Year Ahead 2015 CX Outlook 2 And we’re always looking for…

Social Media Digital Academy | Class 13

The Future Of Customer Experience In A Connected World Tom Burrell, Head of Social, CRM & Analytics Digitas LBI May 2014 Slide on the rate of change • Digital technology…

Marketing Are You Leveraging Info-Sense to Improve the Customer Experience?

1. By 2020, the customer will manage 85% of the relationship with an enterprise without interacting with a human *Gartner Research The revenue impact from a 10 percentage…

Marketing Using Social Media to Create a Better Customer Experience

1. By 2020, the customer will manage 85% of the relationship with an enterprise without interacting with a human *Gartner Research The revenue impact from a 10 percentage…