Documents tagged
Technology Webinar: Deep Learning with H2O

1. Deep Learning with H2O !
 Scalable In-Memory Machine Learning ! Webinar, 5/21/14 SriSatish Ambati, CEO and Co-Founder Arno Candel, PhD, Physicst & Hacker…

Technology's Distributed Deep Learning Presented at PayPal by Arno Candel 04/24/14

1. Deep Learning with H2O !
 Scalable In-Memory Machine Learning ! PayPal, San Jose, 4/24/14 Arno Candel 2. Who am I? PhD in Computational Physics, 2005

Technology's Distributed Deep Learning by Arno Candel 04/03/14

1. Deep Learning with H2O !
 Scalable In-Memory Machine Learning ! H20 Meetup, TypeSafe, San Francisco, 4/3/14 Arno Candel 2. Who am I? PhD in Computational Physics,…

Technology H2O Open Source Deep Learning, Arno Candel 03-20-14

1. Deep Learning with H2O !
 Scalable In-Memory Machine Learning ! H20 Meetup, Mountain View, 3/20/14 Arno Candel 2. Who am I? PhD in Computational Physics, 2005

Documents Real-Time Process Control Systems (Real-Time Controller ASM for the Railroad Crossing Case Study)...

Slide 1Real-Time Process Control Systems (Real-Time Controller ASM for the Railroad Crossing Case Study) Egon Börger Dipartimento di Informatica, Universita di Pisa…

Science Artificial Neural Network (draft)

1.Artificial Neural Networks An Introduction 2. Why study ANNs? • To understand how the brain actually works • To understand a type of parallel computation • IBM’s…

Documents Robustness is dead! Long live robustness!

Robustness is dead! Long live robustness! Michael L. Seltzer Microsoft Research REVERB 2014 | May 10, 2014 Collaborators: Dong Yu, Yan Huang, Frank Seide, Jinyu Li, Jui-Ting…

Documents Neural Networks: Backpropagation algorithm Data Mining and Semantic Web University of Belgrade...

Slide 1Neural Networks: Backpropagation algorithm Data Mining and Semantic Web University of Belgrade School of Electrical Engineering Chair of Computer Engineering and Information…

Documents 1 The length constant of the dendritic tree markedly effects passive conduction.

Slide 1 1 The length constant of the dendritic tree markedly effects passive conduction Slide 2 2 Diversity in dendritic excitability. All recordings are from different neocortical…

Documents Supervised learning 1.Early learning algorithms 2.First order gradient methods 3.Second order...

Slide 1 Supervised learning 1.Early learning algorithms 2.First order gradient methods 3.Second order gradient methods Slide 2 Early learning algorithms Designed for single…