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Artificial Neural Networks An Introduction

Artificial Neural Network (draft)

May 10, 2015



James Boulie

An introduction to artificial neural networks.
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Artificial Neural NetworksAn Introduction

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Why study ANNs?

• To understand how the brain actually works

• To understand a type of parallel computation• IBM’s “The Brain Chip” (1 million neurons and 256 synapses)

• To solve practical problems• Artificial Neural Networks should be good for things brains are good at

and bad at things brains are bad at

(Vision, speech recognition)

(eg: 32 * 71 = ???)

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What neurons look like

Our model will be simplified: Synapses -> Weighted Inputs Soma -> An activation function Axon -> Outputs

Neuron – an electrically excitable cell that transmits information Dendrites receive signals from many

other neurons These signals can be either excitatory

or inhibitory Soma (cell body) processes this

information Above a certain threshold, an

electrical signal is fired down the axon.

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A Feed Forward Neural Net Weighted connections

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What can NNs do?

• Image recognition MNIST handwritten digits Read reCAPTCHA better than humans do

• Speech recognition and NLP

• Answer the meaning of life

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Using recurrent neural net to predict the next character• In 2011, Ilya Sutskever used 5 millions strings of 100 characters, taken

from Wikipedia.

• Training took one month on a GPU

• Once trained, the neural net will predict the next character in a sequence of characters

• He fed it the phrase “The meaning of life is” _______________

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Ilya Sutskever, 2011

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A Brief History of ANNs

• 1943 – McCulluogh and Pitts NN models can represent any Boolean

• 1949 – Donald Webb describes how learning might take place: “cells that fire together, wire together.”

• 1959 – Rosenblatt’s perceptron can learn linearly separable data

• 1969 – Minsky & Papert criticize the perceptron

• 1970-1986 – The dark ages of neural networks (No funding)

• 1986 – Hinton, LeCun et al. describe the backpropagation algorithm for training neural networks of arbitrary depth ( Paul Werbos, 1974)

• 1997 – A.K. Dewdney – "Although neural nets do solve a few toy problems, their powers of computation are so limited that I am surprised anyone takes them seriously as a general problem-solving tool.“

• Other techniques (Random Forests[1995] and Support Vector Machines[1995]) are considered state of the art ML for classification problems

• 2006 – Second Renaissance of neural networks with new methods for training deep and recurrent NNs.

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1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020






ns) ANN Scholarly Publications Per Year

(Ln Normalized)



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“the embryo of an electronic computer that [the

Navy] expects will be able to walk, talk, see, write,

reproduce itself and be conscious of its existence."

1958Frank Rosenblatt’s Perceptron

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The Perceptron

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Weight space

Consider all the different sets of weights that will output the correct value for a 2-D input vector.Here, threshold = 0

Input vector with output value = 1

Good weight

Bad weight

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NAND example

Input Data

0 0

1 0

0 1

1 1





One of many possible solutions:

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NAND Decision Boundary

One possible solution:

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NAND Decision Boundary

0 0

1 0

0 1

1 1





One possible solution:

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Training Data

0 0

1 0

0 1

1 1





A single perceptron can only solve linearly separable problems

XOR Problem

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Training Data

0 0

1 0

0 1

1 1





Multiple layers of perceptrons solve the XOR problem, but Rosenblatt did not have an learning algorithm to set the weights

XOR Problem

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Training Data

0 0

1 0

0 1

1 1





Multiple layers of perceptrons solve the XOR problem, but Rosenblatt did not have an learning algorithm to set the weights

XOR Problem

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Training Data

0 0

1 0

0 1

1 1





XOR Problem

1 0

1 1

1 1

0 1

2 weight planes

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Training Data

0 0

1 0

0 1

1 1





XOR Problem

1 0

1 1

1 1

0 1

1 weight plane

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Sigmoid (Logistic Function)

• The sigmoid function is similar to the binary threshold function, but it is continuous“Squashes” – outputs a value between 0 and 1

• It’s derivative has a nice property – it is computationally inexpensive

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Sigmoid (Logistic function)

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Sigmoid Neurons

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Sigmoid Neurons • We can “bake in” the bias by augmenting with an element, , that we set to a constant value (say, 1) for every sample.

• now represents the bias value.• With the bias “baked in,” the model has a simpler

notation and will be more computationally efficient

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Forward propagation

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}Matrix notation is easier to read, and used in production code

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How to train a feed forward net?

• There are several cost functions (cross entropy, classification error, squared error).

• To measure the error in this sample we will use the squared error

• Major DifficultyWe know what the output target is, but nobody is telling us directly what the

hidden units should be

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How to train a feed forward net?

• Try: randomly perturb one weight and see if it improves performance

• But this is very, very slow

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Backpropagation, 1986*

• The “backward propagation of errors” after forward propagation

• Here is the cost for a single training sample

• If we calculate the error derivatives w.r.t. each weight, we can update the weights with gradient descent.

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Backpropagating errorsStep 0. Feed Forward Network

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Backpropagating errorsStep 1. Backpropagate the error derivative to each node

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Backpropagating errorsStep 1. Backpropagate the error derivative to each nodeStep 2. Use the node deltas to compute the incoming weight derivatives

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Backpropagation error derivatives

Feed ForwardBack Propagate

Linear Output Neuron

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Back Propagation can be used to train a neural net with which of the following activation functions?

Logistic (sigmoid)


Binary threshold neurons (Perceptron)

Hyperbolic Tangent ( )

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Review Gradient Descent

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Selecting Hyper-Parameters

Generally, we use trial and error (with cross-validation) to select hyperparameters

What learning rate?


How many layers?

How many nodes / layer?

Regularization coefficient?

Activation function(s)?

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• Without some form of regularization, large ANNs are prone to over fitting

• ANNs can approximate any function; they can fit the noise in the training data set

• One traditional solution is L2 regularization. We modify our error function by including for every weight in the matrix.

• L2 regularization drives the weights towards 0

• As the weights approach zero, the sigmoid function becomes more linear

• Recently, new forms of regularization have improved ANNs learning

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New regularizers

• Force neurons to share weights

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Learning Curves – Overfitting - regularization

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NN libraries

• Theano (python)

• PyLearn2 (python)

• Torch (Lua)

• Deep Learning Toolbox (MATLAB)

• Numenta (python)

• Nnet (R)

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Do walk through with ConvnetJS

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Google Trends “Neural Network” searches

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Google Trends “Random Forests” searches

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Google Trends “Deep Learning” searches

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Addressing ANN’s weaknesses: Averaging many models• Unlike random forests (which average many decision trees),

creating many neural network models has not been feasible• Averaging models is important because it prevents over fitting• NN Dropout (2012) provides a way to average many models,

without having to train them separately

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Provide motivation for Deep Learning

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