Documents tagged
Documents Answers to Basic Spiritual Questions of Sadhaks.pdf

A n s w e r s t o B a s i c S p i r i t u a l Q u e s t i o n s o f S a d h a k s S w a m i S h a n t a n a n d a P u r i P u b l i s h e r : P a r v a t h a m m a C . P…

Documents Stories of Lord Shiva

Lord Shiva STORIES OF LORD SHIVA The common thread of thought in the religious beliefs of the Indian subcontinent upholds a single Reality (as in absolute monoism) and holds…

Documents Ways of Interpreting Myth Modified by RL Elias from a presentation by T. Sienkewicz, Monmouth...

Slide 1Ways of Interpreting Myth Modified by RL Elias from a presentation by T. Sienkewicz, Monmouth College Slide 2 Ancient Ways of Viewing Myth Archaic 750-480 B.C. Classical…

Documents Ways of Interpreting Myths about Hercules Ancient Theories

Slide 1 Slide 2 Ways of Interpreting Myths about Hercules Ancient Theories Slide 3 The Web of Myth Monolithic or Multifunctional Interpreting…

Documents Ways of Interpreting Myth

Ways of Interpreting Myth Modified by RL Elias from a presentation by T. Sienkewicz, Monmouth College Ancient Ways of Viewing Myth Archaic 750-480 B.C. Classical 480-323…

Documents One More Trickster: Coyote

One More Trickster: Coyote Native American Trickster Tales For more see:…

Documents Ways of Interpreting Myth The Web of Myth Ancient Vs. Modern.

Slide 1 Slide 2 Ways of Interpreting Myth The Web of Myth Ancient Vs. Modern Slide 3 The Web of Myth Interpreting myth is like Penelope at her loom. Thread upon thread of…