Documents tagged
Technology Top 9 endangered marine mammals in the Atlantic

1. 9. NEAR THREATENED: Narwhal Monodon monoceros (Img Cred: Wikimedia, Glenn Williams) 2. 9.NEAR THREATENED : Narwhal TheNarwhalprefers the cold waters of the Arctic, lives…

Technology Top 9 Endangered Atlantic Marine Mammals

1. 9. NEAR THREATENED: NarwhalMonodon monoceros(Img Cred: Wikimedia, Glenn Williams) 2. 9. NEAR THREATENED: NarwhalThe Narwhal prefers the cold waters of the Arctic, and…

Documents Genus: Trichechus Manatees Sea Cows Dugongs. Florida has the West Indian Manatee Have a pair of...

Slide 1Genus: Trichechus Manatees Sea Cows Dugongs Slide 2 Florida has the West Indian Manatee Have a pair of front flippers and a paddle- shaped tail Swim using up and down…

Documents By Christina Coppersmith There are five different groups of animals with vertebrates These...

Slide 1 Slide 2 By Christina Coppersmith Slide 3 There are five different groups of animals with vertebrates These classifications are Mammals Fish Reptiles Birds Amphibians…

Documents PICTOGRAPHS Calling all students!! Let’s learn about PICTOGRAPHS!

Slide 1 Slide 2 PICTOGRAPHS Slide 3 Calling all students!! Let’s learn about PICTOGRAPHS! Slide 4 PICTOGRAPHS  A Pictograph is a graph that uses pictures or symbols…

Documents PICTOGRAPHS Becky Aldridge Calling all students!! Let’s learn about PICTOGRAPHS!

Slide 1 Slide 2 PICTOGRAPHS Becky Aldridge Slide 3 Calling all students!! Let’s learn about PICTOGRAPHS! Slide 4 PICTOGRAPHS  A Pictograph is a graph that uses pictures…