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Documents Advising Project Dana Clark Beth Nuccio Julia Teahen Mike Tyler October 3, 2012.

Slide 1Advising Project Dana Clark Beth Nuccio Julia Teahen Mike Tyler October 3, 2012 Slide 2 PROJECT SELECTION Slide 3 Why Advising? Customer service surveys indicated…

Documents APICS is not responsible for statements or opinions expressed by individuals in its publications or....

Slide 1APICS is not responsible for statements or opinions expressed by individuals in its publications or at its meetings. The views expressed are solely those of the individual…

Documents 1 Clinical Safety & Effectiveness Session # 14 CT Mays Delay Project DATE.

Slide 1 1 Clinical Safety & Effectiveness Session # 14 CT Mays Delay Project DATE Slide 2 2 Background Mays CT began with 175 patients per day. The clinic operates from…