Documents tagged
Technology What is the linux

1. WHAT IS THE LINUX? Linux (often pronounced LIH-nuhks with a short "i") is a Unix-like operating system that was designed to provide personal computer users a…

Documents 2009 HP-UX LVM, OnlineJFS and Oracle ASM Basics* Dusan Baljevic Sydney, Australia.

Slide 12009 HP-UX LVM, OnlineJFS and Oracle ASM Basics* Dusan Baljevic Sydney, Australia Slide 2 Disk Partitioning Concepts – HP-UX Partitions can be configured using:…

Documents Unix 6 en

1. UNIX OS Lecture VI Simonas Kareiva Vilnius University Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Preparation of the material was supported by the project „Increasing Internationality…

Documents 04/05/2004CSCI 315 Operating Systems Design1 File System Implementation.

Slide 1 04/05/2004CSCI 315 Operating Systems Design1 File System Implementation Slide 2 04/05/2004CSCI 315 Operating Systems Design2 Acyclic-Graph Directories Have shared…

Documents 04/07/2010CSCI 315 Operating Systems Design1 File System Implementation.

Slide 1 04/07/2010CSCI 315 Operating Systems Design1 File System Implementation Slide 2 04/07/2010CSCI 315 Operating Systems Design2 Acyclic-Graph Directories Have shared…