Documents tagged

1.Rosie Goes Pop!By Francisca Alvarez2. Once upon a time, long ago there lived a beautiful princess called Rosie. Rosie lived in a beautiful pink palace with lots of servants.…

Education Recount Text

1. Recount Text Prepared by: Miftahur Rohmah 2. Generic Structure of Recount Text Orientation Event Re-orientation Introduction from writer (Who, where, when) Sequence of…

Sports Artists

1. ARTISTS 2. Anthony Cooper 6. Georgia Driels 8. Michael Berry 13. Simon Welsh 20. Ruth Cadoili 27. Karen Tenni 35. Shannon Crees 40. Byron Tik 45. Margot Penaluna 51. Thomas…

Documents The Foundling Issue 1

A Letter From the Breaditor - Annalice Creighton Friendship is Like Bread- Enjoy Daily! â Paul Brown Googlegrams Annalice and Lizzie Creighton Your World Life Lessons- Sally…

Documents Preschool Parties

0 0 Parties Preschool COLLEEN MULLANEY Easy Ideas for Princesses, Pirates & Other Little People 7 BEST FOR AGES 3–6 Ideal number of fairies: up to 6 Fairy parties are…

Documents 2012 UON VISCOM Summer Zine

ZINE.indd 1 26/02/2013 11:18:57 AM BUYING STUFF -ONE notebook, It’s VISUAL communica- tion, the first year courses are not heavy on notes. Get a mutli-divide A4 and you’ll…

Education Rosie Goes Pop!

1. Rosie Goes Pop! By Phoebe Browne-Cooper 2. Once upon a time, long ago there lived a beautiful princess called Rosie. Rosie lived in a beautiful pink palace with lots of…