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Presentations & Public Speaking Talk at VL/HCC13

1. Jácome Cunha João Paulo Fernandes Jorge Mendes Rui Pereira João Saraiva Querying Model-Driven Spreadsheets Universidade do Minho Braga, Portugal 2. Problem: Querying…

Technology LarKC Tutorial at ISWC 2009 - Second Hands-on Scenario

1. Cyc-Gate workflow Blaz Fortuna, Luka Bradesko Cycorp Europe, Slovenia 2. Goal Demonstrate reasoning over non-structured input data Learn how to correctly annotate a new…

Documents Esoteric LINQ and Structural Madness

1. Esoteric LINQAND STRUCTURAL MADNESS 2. I Think Therefore I Am  Chris Eargle  Mad Scientist  Telerik Evangelist  C# MVP  INETA Board of Directors  Contacts…

Technology Converge -- MySQL Workshop

1. MySQL Basics Workshop [email protected] @stoker Converge 2014 16th August 2. Databases Can Be a Mystery, Misery, or Magnificent ● You…

Technology Southeast Linuxfest -- MySQL Queries-- - Damned Lies and Best Guesses

1. MySQL Queries -- Damned Lies and Best Guesses Very few programmers really understand SQL or how to speed queries to their databases. This session covers that basics of…

Technology SQL, Data Plans and Gettings Things Fast From Our Database -- SkiPHP Presentation

1. SQL, Data Plans and Gettings Things Fast From Our Database Very few programmers really understand SQL or how to speed queries to their databases. This session covers that…

Technology [DSBW Spring 2010] Unit 10: XML and Web And beyond

1. XML DTD, XMLSchema XSL, Xquery Web Services SOAP, WSDL RESTful Web Services Semantic Web Introduction RDF, RDF Schema, OWL, SPARQL Unit 10: XML and Web and Beyond 2. “…

Business BOTTARI: How to offer innovative services listening to the Social Media

1. BOTTARI: How to offerinnovative serviceslistening to the Social Media Emanuele Della ValleDEI - Politecnico di Milano[email_address] 2. Introduction…

Documents The worlds first recommendation engine for finding things to do hyperlocal, mobile, social v...

Slide 1the worlds first recommendation engine for finding things to do hyperlocal, mobile, social v [email protected] @viking2917 Slide 2 what is goby? goby ® helps consumers…

Documents Special Topics in Computer Science Advanced Topics in Information Retrieval Lecture 5 (book chapter....

Slide 1Special Topics in Computer Science Advanced Topics in Information Retrieval Lecture 5 (book chapter 11) : Multimedia IR: Models and Languages Alexander Gelbukh…