Documents tagged
Education India storytelling

1. Digital Storytelling Dr. Stephen Byers Marquette University 2. A Story This is Ashley 3. A Story She saw a squirrel 4. A Story And a cow 5. A Story And a donkey cart 6.…

Documents Mobile Development Environments Juha Linnanen Evtek 11.10.2006.

Slide 1Mobile Development Environments Juha Linnanen Evtek 11.10.2006 Slide 2 Agenda Introduction Java (J2ME) Symbian Flash Lite Browser based Linux Windows Mobile Other…

Documents .NET Compact Framework 2.0 Visual Studio 2005 Aali Alikoski Academic Developer Evangelist, Microsoft...

Slide 1.NET Compact Framework 2.0 Visual Studio 2005 Aali Alikoski Academic Developer Evangelist, Microsoft Oy [email protected] Mobiiliohjelmointipäivä…

Technology .NET Framework Projet with C#

1..NET FRAMEWORK 2.0 assembly Project Language: C#. In this project, I used the .NET framework to createassemblies that can be reused in otherPrograms including UI. The first…

Documents HARRIMAN STATE PARK OF IDAHO RANCH. REFUGE. RETREAT. Overview Harriman State Park Current Winter...

Slide 1 HARRIMAN STATE PARK OF IDAHO RANCH. REFUGE. RETREAT. Overview Harriman State Park Current Winter Program Why Harriman- Why Not! First Steps- Winter 2013/2014 Developed…

Documents Transient Luminous Effects as observed onboard "Tatiana-1” and "Tatiana-2" satellites Mikhail...

Transient Luminous Effects as observed onboard "Tatiana-1” and "Tatiana-2" satellites Mikhail Panasyuk Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Lomonosov…