Education Ready Set Grow - Work Ready Missouri

1. Mapping your route to workforce competitiveness U n d e r stan d i n g M i sso ur i ’s Wo r k Re ad y C o m m un i ti e s 2. Missouri’s Certified Work Ready CommunitiesBy…

Documents Financial Capability Awareness Session Paulette Lennon.

Slide 1Financial Capability Awareness Session Paulette Lennon Slide 2 Why is it becoming more important ? - Financial products and services have grown - both in their number…

Education C1 literacy and essential skills part 1

1. Literacy and Essential Skills for the Canadian Labour Market Presentation to the OCASI Professional Development Conference Toronto, ON,June 20-22, 2011 2. Outline The…

Documents Gretchen Pettet East Central College, Center for Workforce Development Mapping the route to...

Slide 1 Gretchen Pettet East Central College, Center for Workforce Development Mapping the route to workforce competitiveness in Franklin County Slide 2 Missouri’s Certified…

Documents Understanding Missouri’s Work Ready Communities Mapping your route to workforce competitiveness.

Slide 1 Understanding Missouri’s Work Ready Communities Mapping your route to workforce competitiveness Slide 2 Missouri’s Certified Work Ready Communities By strengthening…

Documents The mismatch between skills required for jobs and skills of the workforce has a significant impact.....

Skilled Iowa Using the National Career Readiness Certificate to Bridge Iowaâs Skills Gap 1 The mismatch between skills required for jobs and skills of the workforce has…