Documents tagged
Documents Causes of the Civil War

1. Disunion Causes of the Civil War 2. Sectionalis mThe North became more industrialized and the South reliant on agriculture. This increased tensions between the…

Documents Causes of the Civil War

1. DisunionCauses of the Civil War 2. Sectionalism  The North becamemore industrialized andthe South reliant onagriculture. This increased tensionsbetween the regions.…

Documents All about the civil war By : Abby, Brittny, Sean, Jose.

Slide 1All about the civil war By : Abby, Brittny, Sean, Jose Slide 2 South American slavery Sam B. Watkins born on June 26 1839 Sam B. Watkins born on June 26 1839 Near…

Documents Underground pp

1.UndergroundRailroadEDU 310Authors:KristenLauren MarkTina Rebekah2. 3. Transportation4. 5. 6. CommunicationQuilts-Different patterns represented different meaningsSongs-…

Documents Causes of the civil war 2013 (3)

1. DisunionCauses of the Civil War 2. Sectionalism  The North becamemore industrialized andthe South reliant onagriculture. This increased tensionsbetween the regions.…

Documents The Road to Disunion The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850.

Slide 1 The Road to Disunion The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 Slide 2 Focus Question Explain whether or not this is an effective poster: Slide 3 Slide 4 Objectives After today’s…

Documents Following the Stars Following the Stars to Freedom Following the Stars.

Slide 1 Following the Stars Following the Stars to Freedom Following the Stars Slide 2 Following the Stars to Freedom Time Line of Slavery Slide 3 Follow the Drinkin’ Gourd…

Documents By: Ann Petry (textbook pages 484 – 497). In this excerpt from Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the...

Slide 1 By: Ann Petry (textbook pages 484 – 497) Slide 2 In this excerpt from Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman leads eleven escaped…

Documents Slavery and National Underground Railroad History University Sojourner Truth E-Mentoring Program...

Slide 1 Slavery and National Underground Railroad History University Sojourner Truth E-Mentoring Program October Slide 2 U-STEP  The University Sojourner Truth E-Mentoring…

Documents Chapter 18 Renewing the Sectional Struggle. General Zachary Taylor (1784– 1850) This Democratic...

Chapter 18 Renewing the Sectional Struggle General Zachary Taylor (1784â1850) This Democratic campaign cartoon of 1848 charges that Taylorâs reputation rested on Mexican…