Documents tagged
Career Investigative Business Journalism Webinar

1. Presented by Alec Klein, professor Medill School of Journalism Northwestern University 2. How to identify an investigative business story idea, especially for beat reporters…

Career Investigative Business Journalism by Alec Klein

1. Investigative Business JournalismPresented byAlec KleinProfessor, Medill School of JournalismNorthwestern UniversityMay 7, 2010 2. About MeAlec Klein, who joined the faculty…

Education Alec Klein on Investigative Business Reporting - Las Vegas

1. Investigative Business JournalismPresented byAlec KleinProfessor, Medill School of JournalismNorthwestern UniversityLas Vegas, June 9, 2010 2. About MeAlec Klein, who…

Technology Guide to Digital Tools for Deep Learning

1. Blogging Tumblr Etherpad Facebookand Twitter Vocaroo Wallwisher Wordle Google Docs Google Earth Visual thesaurus Youtube Evaluation 2. Blogging What is it? Blogging is…

Spiritual Reporting on Race

1. Reporting on RaceAndrew Grant-Thomas, Deputy Director Kirwan Institute for theStudy of Race and Ethnicity Columbus Dispatch February 19, 2009 2. OVERVIEW Race coverage…