Documents tagged
Documents © copyright 2009 Semantic Insights. Semantic Insights: Semantic Technology in Action Chuck Rehberg,...

Slide 1© copyright 2009 Semantic Insights Slide 2 Semantic Insights: Semantic Technology in Action Chuck Rehberg, Chief Scientist Semantic Insights a Division of Trigent…

Technology Gov 2.0 Slides 09 Mar24

1. Increasing Followers, Fans, and Friends How can government contentgain traction in social media? Updated: March 2009 Scott Burns CEO & co-Founder, GovDelivery, Inc.…

Technology Gov 2.0 Slides 09 Mar24

1. Increasing Followers, Fans, and Friends How can government contentgain traction in social media? Updated: March 2009 Scott Burns CEO & co-Founder, GovDelivery, Inc.…

Technology Driving 1.0 Users to 2.0 Websites - Scott Burns

1. Increasing Followers, Fans, and Friends How can government contentgain traction in social media? Updated: March 2009 Scott Burns CEO & co-Founder, GovDelivery, Inc.…

Documents Copyright ©2009 Opher Etzion Event Processing Course Filtering and transformation (Relates to...

Slide 1 Copyright ©2009 Opher Etzion Event Processing Course Filtering and transformation (Relates to Chapter 8) Slide 2 Copyright ©2009 Opher Etzion 2 Lecture outline…

Documents Rulemaking. 2 EPA Example – Is This Definition a Rule? EPA says that the term “waters of the...

Slide 1 Rulemaking Slide 2 2 EPA Example – Is This Definition a Rule? EPA says that the term “waters of the United States” (which defines the jurisdiction of EPA under…