Documents 1.1 Ecosystems-what Are They

a brief power point slides about ecosystem and its components to help lecturers and students.

Documents 55 - Ecosystems and Restoration Ecology

Overview: Cool Ecosystem An ecosystem consists of all the organisms living in a community, as well as the abiotic factors with which they interact An example is the unusual…

Documents Lab 2 Goals and Objectives: Lecture: Chapter 6 (Microbial Growth) Exercise 9: Aseptic Technique Each...

Lab 2 Goals and Objectives: Lecture: Chapter 6 (Microbial Growth) Exercise 9: Aseptic Technique Each person make 3 inoculations: 1. Broth to broth - E. coli - 37°C 2. Slant…

Documents Photosynthesis: Where it all begins!

Photosynthesis: Where it all begins! AP Biology Us versus Them Autotrophs make their own food (self-nourishing) Photoautotrophs use sunlight as the energy source Heterotrophs…

Documents Photosynthesis: Where it all begins! AP Biology Us versus Them Autotrophs make their own food (self-...

Photosynthesis: Where it all begins! AP Biology Us versus Them Autotrophs make their own food (self-nourishing) Photoautotrophs use sunlight as the energy source Heterotrophs…

Documents Chapter 6: Microbial Growth

Chapter 6: Microbial Growth Microbial Growth Microbial growth = growth in population Increase in number of cells, not cell size Two main categories of requirements for microbial…