Documents tagged
News & Politics Ffactorsoffacsism

1.   2. Nazi Germany Nazi’s used several methods to inspire nationalism along with massive military parades. Italian National Fascist Party Benito Mussolini created a…

Technology Concurrency on the JVM

1. Concurrency on the JVM .. or some of the nuts and bolts of Akka Bernhard Huemer @bhuemer 23 July 2013 IRIAN Solutions 2. Agenda • In general, a (random)…

Education Zombies in Literature

1. Mrrhrrahh... AMC The Walking Dead David Hills, BGS 2. The zombies we see represented in modern western literature and movies are most often based on the Medieval European…

News & Politics fascism

1.  Nazi Germany • Nazi’s used several methods to inspire nationalism along with massive military parades.  Italian National Fascist Party • Benito Mussolini…

Documents Huh? I still don’t get it!!! .

Slide 1 Huh? I still don’t get it!!! Slide 2 Simile He’s as mad as a cut snake Slide 3 Acronym…

Documents Erie Canal Opened 1825 363 miles 83 locks Work began 1817 7 million to.

Erie Canal Erie Canal Opened 1825 363 miles 83 locks Work began 1817 7 million to…

Documents Behind the Secret Identities: What Your Tech Wants You to Know

Behind the Secret Identities: What Your Tech Wants You to Know Laura Solomon, MCIW, MLS Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN) [email protected] 1. Assumptions = problems…

Documents Where and how should I build my castle?

Where and how should I build my castle? Where and how should I build my castle? L/O: To â¦.. Make decisions on what is the best place to site a castle and why. Describe…

Documents World War I

USHC 5.4 - World War I World War I INTENSIVE REVIEW VERSION 1 Causes of World War I Alliance System Nationalism Alliances Map Credit: historicair The Bench Clearing Effect…

Documents Erie Canal

Erie Canal Erie Canal Opened 1825 363 miles 83 locks Work began 1817 7 million to…