Documents tagged
Health & Medicine Embalming diagnosis and m.l aspect

1. EMBALMINGDIAGNOSIS AND M.LASPECTDr. Faiz ahmadForensic medicineJNMC,A.M.U Aligarh 2. Preservation of Dead BodyArtificiallyFreezingEmbalmingTexidermyAncient egyptianmethod(mummification)Formalin…

Health & Medicine Acetone persentaion by karen angelico

1. Acetone (systematically named propanone) is the organic compound with the formula (CH3)2CO. It is a colorless, mobile, flammable liquid, and is the simplest ketone. Acetone…

Documents July 31, 2013

H a i l e y • K e t c H u m • S u n V a l l e y • B e l l e V u e • c a r e y • S t a n l e y • F a i r F i e l d • S H o S H o n e • P i c a B o J u l y…