Documents tagged
Documents Data-Intensive Text Processing With MapReduce

i Data-IntensiveTextProcessing withMapReduce JimmyLinandChrisDyer UniversityofMaryland,CollegePark DraftofFebruary19,2010 This is the manuscript of a book that is in preparation…

Documents KY Department for Public Health 2013-2014 SEASON INFLUENZA for Local Health Departments ITV Training...

Slide 1KY Department for Public Health 2013-2014 SEASON INFLUENZA for Local Health Departments ITV Training presented by: Janet D. Overstreet (Local Health Operations Branch)…

Documents Smiley Face Tricks Tricks of the writing trade to help you meet and exceed writing expectations....

Slide 1 Smiley Face Tricks Tricks of the writing trade to help you meet and exceed writing expectations. Ideas developed by Mary Ellen Ledbetter Powerpoint created by Gwen…

Documents Latent (S)SVM and Cognitive Multiple People Tracker.

A Support Vector Method for Optimizing Rank-Based Performance Measures Latent (S)SVM and Cognitive Multiple People Tracker EM: the âlatentâ you know EM is an optimization…

Documents Latent (S)SVM and Cognitive Multiple People Tracker

A Support Vector Method for Optimizing Rank-Based Performance Measures Latent (S)SVM and Cognitive Multiple People Tracker EM: the âlatentâ you know EM is an optimization…

Documents Data-Intensive Text Processingwith MapReduce

i Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce Jimmy Lin and Chris Dyer University of Maryland, College Park Manuscript prepared April 11, 2010 This is the pre-production…

Documents InterestingRead

i Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce Jimmy Lin and Chris Dyer University of Maryland, College Park Manuscript prepared April 11, 2010 This is the pre-production…