Documents tagged
Technology Poverty Risks and Central Africa National Parks Policy Issues in conservation and resettlement...

1. Poverty Risks and National Parks: Policy Issues in Conservation and Resettlement MICHAEL M. CERNEA George Washington University, USA and KAI SCHMIDT-SOLTAU * Independent…

Education iPod touch for mobile learning

1. ITSC 2009mobile learning with J.Nalder 2. ITSC 2009 With J.Nalder 3. ITSC 2009 With J.Nalder : Interactive responses #ITSC09…

Documents Subject Librarians’ Forum on eLD #3 5 & 11 November 2013.

Slide 1Subject Librarians’ Forum on eLD #3 5 & 11 November 2013 Slide 2 Karine Barker, Subject Librarian for Medical Sciences Isabel Holowaty, Bodleian History Librarian…

Education E-Bezpečí - Annual Report 2012 in English

1. Palacký University in Olomouc, Pedagogical faculty PROJECT E-BEZPEÈÍANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR 2012 Czech Republic, Olomouc, 2013 2. forewordForewordDear friends,Thank…

Documents Ethnography

Ethnography For the journal, see Ethnography (journal). Ethnography (from Greek ἔθνος ethnos “folk, people, nation” and γράφω grapho “I write”) is the…

Documents "The Dirt" Spring edition 2013

Advisory Group Vision: “True to our proud histories, informing ministry staff through balanced and �mely communica�on” June 2013 ARCHIVE © Bri�sh Columbia Dave…

Documents The State of Local Governance: Trends in Bago

1The State of Local Governance: Trends in Bago - UNDP Myanmar 2014 Local Governance Mapping THE STATE OF LOCAL GOVERNANCE: TRENDS IN BAGO 2 The State of Local Governance:…

Documents Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences Newsletter 2008

G E O L O G I C A L & M I N I N G E N G I N E E R I N G A N D S C I E N C E S GMES and Michigan Tech: In service to the world Winter 08 Volume 2 Number 3 Michigan Distinguished…