Documents The Big Bang: Fact or Fiction? New perspectives on steady-state cosmology From Einstein to Hoyle...

Slide 1 The Big Bang: Fact or Fiction? New perspectives on steady-state cosmology From Einstein to Hoyle Cormac O’Raifeartaigh (Waterford Inst of Technology) Simon Mitton…

Documents The Big Bang: Fact or Fiction? Einstein’s steady-state theory An abandoned model of the universe.....

Slide 1 The Big Bang: Fact or Fiction? Einstein’s steady-state theory An abandoned model of the universe Cormac O’Raifeartaigh, Brendan McCann (WIT) Werner Nahm (DIAS)…

Documents The Big Bang: Fact or Fiction?

The Big Bang The Big Bang: Fact or Fiction? New perspectives on steady-state cosmology From Einstein to Hoyle Cormac O’Raifeartaigh (Waterford Inst of Technology) Simon…

Documents The Big Bang: Fact or Fiction?

The Big Bang The Big Bang: Fact or Fiction? Einstein’s steady-state theory An abandoned model of the universe Cormac O’Raifeartaigh, Brendan McCann (WIT) Werner Nahm…