Documents tagged
Entertainment & Humor Ruby Skye P.I. - Case Study & Interview with Jill Golick

1. caseStudy & Interview with Jill Golick 2. This case study was developed because Ruby Skye P.I is a great Canadian example of a grassroots web series that has used…

Technology Customer and marketing analytics: Integrating multichannel data to gain actionable business insights...

1.Welcome to possibleCustomer andmarketing analyticsIntegrating multichannel datato gain actionable businessinsights for greater profitability.2. Busniness challenges…

Design Mixedpome_Solutions_Creativity_Empowered

1. Innovative Creative EffectiveBRANDINGMARKETINGWEBcreativity empowered 2. Who we are:Mixedpome Solutions Pvt.Ltd. (MSPL) is a creative company providing Web, Branding…

Business iLandGuide Investor Presentation

1. PRESENTATIONThe Holiday Specialist App 2. The freedom that Google Maps Search gives you onlinewith iLandGuide mobile App you can feel that offline. 3. PAIN I.‣Everybody…

Technology Mixedpome_Web_Branding_Marketing_Company_Profile

1. Innovative Creative EffectiveBRANDINGMARKETINGWEBcreativity empowered 2. Who we are:Mixedpome Solutions Pvt.Ltd. (MSPL) is a creative company providing Web,…

Business The Evolution: Inbound Marketing from Budding Culture

How Budding Culture is Helping Evolutionize Marketing 2 || © copyright Budding Culture  2013 | 2 Yes, marketing has made some pretty huge leaps in…

Marketing Mobile Marketing in the CPA Profession

©  2015  Penheel  Marketing™   Mobile  Marketing  in   the  CPA  Profession   Becky  Livingston   President   Penheel  Marketing   February  2,  2015…

Business Social Media Road Map

So ci al M ed ia R oa d M ap Ch ar t b y: A rn o G he l� D at a: F or re st er R es ea rc h So ur ce : h tt p: // w w w .b us in es sw ee k. co m /m ag az in e/ co nt en…

Data & Analytics Infographic: The Clean Data Challenge for Fund Marketers

1. Compliant Marketing with CLEAN DATA How is the data cleaned? BAD DATA? CLEAN DATA IS: An average data analyst spends 60% or more of their time cleaning and normalizing…

Technology How to build a MVP app as a non-tech founder

1. How  to  build  an  MVP  as  a   non-­‐tech  founder 2. Agenda •  What is an MVP? •  How to •  Don’t quest for users, go for tangible market • …