Documents tagged
Education Benchmarking the way ahead - Disability-inclusive MDG‘s and Aid Effectiveness

1. Benchmarking the way aheadDisability-inclusive MDG‘s and Aid EffectivenessBangkok, 14-16 March 2012Mihaylo Milovanovitch, Directorate for EducationOECD 2. Structureo…

Education Raising the Effectiveness of Official Development Assistance in Education

1. Raising the Effectivenessof Official DevelopmentAssistance in Education Barbara Ischinger Director for Education OECD 2. Outline• The value of education• How much…

Documents BTG 2014 Program Book

2  | (413) 997-4444  |  3 CONTENTS Introduction Letter 5 Welcome 8 Our Mission 8 Show Calendar 9 Board of Trustees 12 The Company…

Documents last in line last in school 2009

Last in Line, Last in School 2009 Donor trends in meeting education needs in countries affected by conflict and emergencies Rewrite the Future L ast in L ine,L ast in S cho…

Documents lastinschool2009

Last in Line, Last in School 2009 Donor trends in meeting education needs in countries affected by conflict and emergencies Rewrite the Future L ast in L ine,L ast in S cho…