Documents Promoting Positive Youth Development, Health, and Well-Being through Life Skills Training...

Slide 1Promoting Positive Youth Development, Health, and Well-Being through Life Skills Training Christopher Williams, Ph.D. Pamela Werb, MEd National Health Promotion Associates…

Economy & Finance Chapter 1

1.The Basis for Fire Prevention Chapter 12. Objectives Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to: Discuss the fire problem in the United States and give reasons…

Career Fire Prevention Chapter 1

1. The Basis forFire PreventionChapter 12nd Edition© 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning 2. Objectives• Upon completion of this chapter, you willbe able to:– Discuss the fire…

Documents Teaching about Marijuana & the Brain VACALC Workshop 3-6-2012 Adrienne Keller [Susie Bruce]...

Slide 1 Slide 2 Teaching about Marijuana & the Brain VACALC Workshop 3-6-2012 Adrienne Keller [Susie Bruce] University of Virginia Slide 3 Primary Goals  Share some…