Documents tagged
Documents Francesco Trotta YERAC, Manchester - 2011 Using mm observations to constrain variations of dust...

Slide 1Francesco Trotta YERAC, Manchester - 2011 Using mm observations to constrain variations of dust properties in circumstellar disks Advised by: Leonardo Testi Slide…

Documents C. Chandler, Synthesis Imaging Summer School, 24 June 2002 1 Mm-Wave Interferometry Claire Chandler....

Slide 1C. Chandler, Synthesis Imaging Summer School, 24 June 2002 1 Mm-Wave Interferometry Claire Chandler Why a special lecture on mm interferometry? –everything about…

Documents Excesos IR F Discos “flared ”

Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5 Excesos IR F   Slide 6 Slide 7 Discos “flared ” Slide 8 Slide 9 Slide 10 Radiation enters at angle to local…

Documents Stellar Wind Theory Steven R. Cranmer Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics with A. van...

Slide 1 Stellar Wind Theory Steven R. Cranmer Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics with A. van Ballegooijen, S. Saar, A. Dupree, N. Brickhouse, et al. Slide 2 Stellar…

Documents Formation and Early Evolution of Intermediate-Mass Stars

Formation and Early Evolution of Intermediate-Mass Stars Intermediate-Mass Stars in the Context Clustering and the Formation of “Early”-Type Systems Disks as a probe…

Documents The History of Trona Cloud Hazardous Air Pollutants “Left Click” to Next Slide.

The History of Trona Cloud Hazardous Air Pollutants “Left Click” to Next Slide Furnace Calciner An Industrial furnace and a rotating cylinder, called a “calciner”,…

Documents 10Nov2006 Ge/Ay133 More on Jupiter, Neptune, the Kuiper belt, and the early solar system.

10Nov2006 Ge/Ay133 More on Jupiter, Neptune, the Kuiper belt, and the early solar system. The MMSN â Solid surface density near 1-3 g/cm2 at Jupiter Simulations suggest…

Documents Scattered light images of protoplanetary and debris disks

Gaspard Duchêne UC Berkeley & Obs. Grenoble From circumstellar disks to planetary systems – Garching – Nov 4 2009 Scattered light images of disks – G. Duchêne…

Documents Paul Withers and Robert Pratt Boston University – Abstract 214.06 withers@bu DPS meeting

An observational study of the response of the thermosphere of Mars to lower atmospheric dust storms Paul Withers and Robert Pratt Boston University â Abstract 214.06 [email protected]