Documents tagged
Technology Cloud Driven Development: a better workflow, less worries, and more power

1. Cloud DrivenDevelopmenta better workflow, less worries, and more powerPeter Vanhee20th October 2012 - DrupalCamp Spain 2. Who am I?‣ Consumer and contributor to Drupal…

Technology Quick Website Wins with Drupal Distributions

1. Quick website wins With Drupal Distributions Thursday, July 18, 13 2. Carson Black Web Developer - UC Davis Professional web developer 17 years 5 years Drupal Lots of…

Technology Introduction to Drupal Distributions

1. Drupal distributions 2. Agenda !   Introduction to Drupal !   Concept of distributions !   Development Kickstarts !   Products !   Platforms !   App Stores2.…

Documents One Year Anniversary Event Ask The Experts July 17, 2014.

Slide 1One Year Anniversary Event Ask The Experts July 17, 2014 Slide 2 Why Drupal Nights? Foster an open conversation between developers.…

Technology OpenPublish - A Solution for the Publishing Industry

1. Webinar Audio Options Listen to streaming audio via your computer’s audio WebEx Audio Broadcast pop-up Unable to listen via your computer’s audio Request phone access…

Software Drupal camp South Florida 2011 - Introduction to the Aegir hosting platform

1. Author: Hector Iribarne @hectoriribarne 2. •What is Aegir?1 •Installing Aegir on clean Linux Ubuntu 2 •Post install Aegir Basics 3 3. Let's get started . .…