Documents tagged
Education Reading primarysources fcat20

1. Teaching Reading with Primary Sources 2. What is Literacy? The ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate (speaking and listening), problem-solve,…

Documents Literature IGCSE 2015 Syllabus

Cambridge Secondary 2 This syllabus is approved for use in England, Wales and Northern Ireland as a Cambridge International Level 1/Level 2 Certificate (QN: 500/5657/8).…

Documents Post-1914 coursework GCSE English literature coursework Drama piece.

Slide 1 Post-1914 coursework GCSE English literature coursework Drama piece Slide 2 Drama Texts Remember that drama is meant to be performed; They are not stories, as such,…

Documents AO3: A focus on “different readings of texts”

Slide 1 AO3: A focus on âdifferent readings of textsâ Three steps to an âinformed personal responseâ: Encountering the play A âreturn to Shakespeareâ First reactions…

Documents Journey 's End

GCSE English Literature for OCR resource sheets © Harcourt Education Limited, 2005 The following pages consist of teacher’s notes and classroom support sheets for Journey’s…

Documents Drama 2013

Drama at the Bromfords School and Sixth Form College “Drama is life with the dull bits cut out”. Alfred Hitchcock Viva la drama! Welcome to Drama at the Bromfords School…

Documents Year 10 Information Evening New GCSEs and targets in English and Maths.

Slide 1 Year 10 Information Evening New GCSEs and targets in English and Maths. English New GCSEs and targets in English and Maths. English There are actually two qualifications:…