Documents tagged
Presentations & Public Speaking 10 Key Ingredients in Creating and Telling A Story

Similar to any delicious meal, a story sometimes follows a recipe. Sure, great chefs sometimes don't need a recipe and they cook from intuition, but to get started as…

Business No More Dead Air: A lesson for brands from a talk show host

No More Dead Air Hey, Brand! You can stop talking now Photo via Flickr cogdogblog What being a talk show host taught me about Fans & branding ~ Ghani Kunto Yesterday,…

Business Disciplinary Measures: Legal Obligations and Best Practices

Overview of incidents that require disciplinary measures: when do you resort to discipline and why it is necessary in order to maintain a healthy work environment • What…

Documents OOAD Introduction

OOAD With UML And Rational Rose 10/2/2001 Object-Oriented Analysis & Design Visual Modeling with UML And Rational Rose 2000® Part I. Introduction Jun 15, 2001 (c) 2001…

Technology Virtues of platform development

1. VIRTUES OF PLATFORM DEVELOPMENT 2. Introduction Phillip Jackson Something Digital @philwinkle 3. Frameworks Let You Build ...Something. 4. Frameworks…

Education Class Management And Discipline

1. Class Management& DisciplineParticipantes:Barreto, Penélope Capote, Hodra Salazar, Mayrelis 2. DefinitionsClass Management : the art of carefully preparing, presenting,…

Career Active listening

1. Active Listening 1 2. Listening is not the same as Hearing Hearing Accidental Involuntary Effortless PassiveListening Focused Voluntary Intentional ActiveHearing refers…

Career Link, Poke & Tweet 101: Amping Your Personal Brand, Digitally

1. ein! ste in-R Bern/ rgs icbe ML! J Kre ohn oedl / V / Barkl Celeste Lindell ey! H ell Kyle te Lind Social Media Strategist C eles 2. Link,  Poke  &  Tweet  101…