Documents tagged
Technology Agriculture

1. • Agriculture, also called farming or husbandry, is the cultivation of animals, plants, fungi and other life forms for food, fiber, biofuel drugs and other products…

Health & Medicine Threats and preventions of bioterrorism

1. Threats,Impacts & Preparedness Of Bioterrorism • “...the intentional release of an infectious particle, be it a virus or bacterium, from the confines of a laboratory…

Documents Access to Biological Resources and Benefit sharing in India P. Pushpangadan National Botanical...

Slide 1Access to Biological Resources and Benefit sharing in India P. Pushpangadan National Botanical Research Institute (Council of Scientific &Industrial Research),…

Documents Climate change, Agrobiodiversity and livelihoods in Indian Himalaya Himalaya: biodiversity hotspot.....

Slide 1Climate change, Agrobiodiversity and livelihoods in Indian Himalaya Himalaya: biodiversity hotspot and global environmental significance Climate change: scientific…

Documents Complex Text Standard 10: Range, Quality, & Complex Complex Text Standard 10: Range, Quality, &...

Slide 1Complex Text Standard 10: Range, Quality, & Complex Complex Text Standard 10: Range, Quality, & Complex * Slide 2 Complex Text Standard 10: Range, Quality,…

Documents This presentation has been prepared as part of the publication “Pastoralism, Nature Conservation.....

Slide 1This presentation has been prepared as part of the publication “Pastoralism, Nature Conservation and Development: A Good Practice Guide”. The CBD endorses the…

Technology tissue culture hybridization

1.HYBRIDIZATION jaisreenivasan2. Hybrid refers to offspring resulting from the interbreeding between two animals or plants of different  taxa . Hybrids between different …

Technology Genetic markers in characterization2

1.THE USE OF GENETIC MARKERS IN CHARACTERIZATION OF LIVESTOCK BREEDS2. FAO estimates that there more than 6,300 breeds of livestock in the world belonging to 30 domesticated…

Food Capsicum ( Capsicum annuum L. )

1. CAPSICUM (Capsicum annuum L.) 2. INTRODUCTION Belongs to family – Solanaceae Originate from South and Central America Popular countries- China, Turkey, Nigeria, Mexico,…

Education Grade 10 - Modern Technology in Increased Food Production

1. sir awan 2. a very useful agricultural machine, with wheels or designed to move easily on the ground and pulling power enabling successful agricultural work, even in flooded…