Documents tagged
Documents Houston Today, March 12, 2014

By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today The District of Houston is applying for provincial funding to hire a senior intern to look after the Houston Asset Management Program. The…

Documents Houston Today, April 23, 2014

By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today The process of branding the Houston community is moving forward. Two consultants hired by the District of Houston held discovery sessions…

Documents Houston Today, May 29, 2013

By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today Houston MS (Multiple Sclerosis) support group is host- ing an MS walk on Sunday, June 2 at 3 p.m. “We are trying to bring awareness to MS,”…

Documents Houston Today, June 11, 2014

By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today O p p o r t u n i t i e s for work may be on Houston’s doorstep. The challenge is � nd- ing and taking advan- tage of them. That is why…

Documents Houston Today, December 17, 2014

By Cameron Orr Black Press With a design and feasibility study in tow, David Black now needs to secure govern- ment support to make further in-roads in his plan to build…

Documents Houston Today, May 07, 2014

By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today Houston property taxes will increase 2.75 percent in 2014. Council held a spe- cial meeting for the � rst readings of the budget and taxes…

Documents Houston Today, June 18, 2014

““ By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today A second Job Fair in Houston is tentatively being planned for September 13. “It depends on funding and whether the [Pillar] committees…

Documents Houston Today, October 15, 2014

By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today Two mayors and ten councillors are competing in the District of Houston elections mid- November. Interim Chief Election Officer Linda Poznikoff…