Documents tagged
Documents (More) Evidence of Disk-Jet Connection in the Radio Galaxy 3C 120 Ritaban Chatterjee, Boston...

Slide 1 (More) Evidence of Disk-Jet Connection in the Radio Galaxy 3C 120 Ritaban Chatterjee, Boston University. Radio Galaxies in the Chandra Era, July 11 th, 2008. Slide…

Documents The Disk-Jet Connection: A Universal Picture for Protostellar Jets Ralph Pudritz McMaster University...

The Disk-Jet Connection: A Universal Picture for Protostellar Jets Ralph Pudritz McMaster University Western Workshop: From Protostellar Disks to Planetary Systems Outline…

Documents Tackling the Disk/Jet Connection in AGN: Timing Analysis Methods and Outlook for GLAST

Tackling the Disk/Jet Connection in AGN: Timing Analysis Methods and Outlook for GLAST. Martin Mueller SLAC AstroGamma GLAST Lunch Oct. 06, 2005. Advisor: Greg Madejski Collaborators:…

Documents The disk-jet link: X-ray and radio monitoring of PKS 0558-504

The disk-jet link: X-ray and radio monitoring of PKS 0558-504 Mario Gliozzi (GMU) I. Papadakis (Crete) W. Brinkmann (MPE) L. Kedziora-Chudczer (Sidney) *Disk-jet connection…