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Documents Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery Behold I do a new thing! Even now it springs forth do you not perceive....

Slide 1Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery Behold I do a new thing! Even now it springs forth do you not perceive it? Isaiah 43:19 …I will make a new covenant…I will put my…

Documents Presentation 05. Introduction Years ago our children were given a present of a drawing kit. It...

PowerPoint Presentation Study in Markâs Gospel Presentation 05 1 Jesus At Prayer Chap 1v31-39 Presentation 05 2 Presentation 05 Introduction Years ago our children were…

Documents Chapter 13: 1-12 March 7& 10, 2012 Dr. Ronald C. Hill, Sr.

Chapter 13: 1-12 March 7& 10, 2012 Dr. Ronald C. Hill, Sr. Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that…

Documents Blessing Our Family

Blessing Our Family Genesis 48:1-22 Introduction The youths today are the leaders of tomorrow Win the young today, win the world tomorrow Do not prevent the children from…

Documents The discipline of prayer and fasting

The Salvation Army Australia Eastern Territory July 2012 Volume 16 Issue 7 Coalface News | Features | Mission Priorities | Opinion | Promoted to Glory | Reviews | Soul Food…