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Education Wfwpeuropedignity 2011

1. WFWP EuropePresentation on Dignity 2. WFWP Europe is committed to theadvancement of women for peaceand security, in which the value ofeach individual is recognized.Therefore…

Spiritual Light to the Nations - Week 5

1. S E S S I O N 5 Woman: The Masterpiece of Creation 2. This week we consider the dignity of woman. She is the masterpiece of creation. “There is none like her on all…

Documents Wcf.Wfwpi Dignity[1]

1.WORLD CIVIC FORUM Role of Higher Educationfor Civic Enhancement “ The Dignity of Women and Social Responsibility” WFWP Germany May 7, 2009COEX Seoul, Korea2. Government…

Documents Dignity of woman pub lcomp1

1.UN 54th Session of the CSW, Parallel Event Sharing of Good Practices to Achieve MDG Number 3 Tuesday, March 2, 2010, UN Church Center, New York 2. “I call on men around…

Education Dignity of woman pub lcomp1

1.Dignity, essential to findone‘s identity as a woman2. In 2000 the Security Council adopted resolution 1325 on women, peace and security.The resolution was a landmark…