Documents tagged
Career Congratulations gradutate - by Mark O'Toole

Interesting presentation for young graduates in search for their first job.

Design 10 Colossal Screwups I Made While Building a Global Design Organization

Learn the 10 Colossal Screwups I Made While Building a Global Design Organization. Presented at STLUX conference in St Louis on 3.14.14. What happens when you take a job…

Education Why You Should Publish a Book… or Not

Between a lack of know-how and a pile of limiting beliefs, you have put that book idea you have on the back burner for far too long. Now is the time to take charge of your…

Entertainment & Humor Anchorman 2 Changed what it Means to Be a Movie

It's not just enough to make a movie, market it with trailers, and call it a day. Check out how the team behind Anchorman 2 went above and beyond to change the way movies…

Lifestyle The 5 steps to discover childhood #$@&% wounds

This exercise will look at your past and refresh memories of your caretakers and influential people. Video at

Marketing Learning to Build Community Through Failure

Slides from my talk at the San Francisco Online Community meetup on May 28, 2014. Session description: is a content curation tool with over one million registered…

News & Politics Why Teachers Strike

A political rant aiming to explain why BC teachers so stubbornly fight for better funding of public education. Short answer: to limit gross inequalities and protect democracy.