Documents tagged
Education IWMI/CGIAR: Africa RISING and LIVES

1. Photo:DavidBrazier/IWMIPhoto:TomvanCakenberghe/IWMIPhoto:DavidBrazier/IWMI A water-secure world IWMI/CGIAR: Africa RISING and LIVES Introduction to Livelihoods…

Education Ffbl Presentation

1. Farm Fresh Buy Local Surrey LFS 350 2009 Ally Gallop, Queenie Bei, Genevieve Chandler, Sam Sweetland, Eva Lee and Jocelyn Chan 2. Our Expertise 3. The Itinerary IntroductionBackground…

Documents A Time Series Database for Global Trade, Production, and Consumption Linkages Zhi Wang, Marinos...

Slide 1A Time Series Database for Global Trade, Production, and Consumption Linkages Zhi Wang, Marinos Tsingas, and Jesse Mora United States International Trade Commission*…

Documents 1. 2 The family tree CEPT (1959) EC Green Paper (1987) MoU January 1988 ETSI, March 88.

Slide 11 Slide 2 2 The family tree CEPT (1959) EC Green Paper (1987) MoU January 1988 ETSI, March 88 Slide 3 3 Who is who in Europe? EU (25)Regulatory framework CEPT (43)Frequency…

Documents Added value services in Logistic Driving forces and barriers for developing and providing value...

Slide 1Added value services in Logistic Driving forces and barriers for developing and providing value added services Slide 2 SUMMARY Frame of reference Service management…

Documents Jean Claude Michelou Vice President ICA Rapaport Fair Trade Jewelry Conference Basel, CH- March 18.....

Slide 1Jean Claude Michelou Vice President ICA Rapaport Fair Trade Jewelry Conference Basel, CH- March 18 th 2010 Slide 2 Fashion Value Cultural traditions Slide 3 Fair Trade…

Documents Cross analysis of multi-stakeholder innovation in smallholder farming : Key lessons and policy...

Slide 1Cross analysis of multi-stakeholder innovation in smallholder farming : Key lessons and policy recommendations from Benin, Kenya and South Africa AISA Conference,…

Technology Previous activities

1.Previous activitiesKarel CharvatWirelessInfo2. Previous projects and activities• Aforo• Rural Wins• Valencia Declaration• eRural Brussels conference conclusions•…

News & Politics Presentation by FAO at KSLA workshop on investment in developing country agriculture

1. Workshop on investment in developing country agricultureKSLAThe Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry 11 November 2013Impacts of foreign agricultural investments…

Documents NAIP-II

NAVSARI AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, NAVSARI PROJECT DETAILS: Component Code Code of Proposal Date of Start Planned Duration Lead Consortium Name of CPI :NAIP- 2 (PCS) : NAIP-…