Technology Industrial Policies

1. Industrial Policies - MeaningIndustrial policy means rules, regulations, principles, policiesandprocedures laid down by government for regulating,developing, and controlling…

Documents Trade Union

TRADE UNION • Trade Union means a combination formed for the purpose of regulating the relations not only between workmen and employers but also between workmen and workmen…

Documents Industrial and Licensing Policies

HISTORY OF INDUSTRIAL POLICY  Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru laid the foundation of modern India.  The goals and objectives set out for the nation by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru…


R O LE O F S M E s I I D I N N N A EC O N O M Y              university}  Monirba {Allahabad Supported by – Manish kanojia (MBA…

Documents Final Project for Submisiion

BINS BANuAL0REPage 1 CHAPTER 1 “INTRODUCTION TO SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES” BINS BANuAL0REPage 2 INTRODUCTION: ThegrowthofSmallScaleIndustriesinourcountryhasprovided opportunitiesforselfemploymenttoeducatedyouthSmallScaleIndustries…

Documents Final Project for Submisiion

CHAPTER 1 “INTRODUCTION TO SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES” BIMS BANGALORE Page 1 INTRODUCTION: The growth of Small Scale Industries in our country has provided opportunities…

Documents History trade union

1. TRADE UNION MOVEMENTIN INDIALabour Movement or Trade Union Movement "The labour movement and trade unions are used synonymously. But that is not so, aslabour movement…

Education Industries

1. Contents 1)Types of industries 2)Infrastructure necessary for industries 3)Industrial History 4)Industrial development 5)Industrial technology 2. Types of industries Industries…

Education social awarness program on environment

1. Initiative By:Tanu kukreja “SocialCare” “AUH, B.Tech MAE, 4th. Semester, Sec – A” 2. Group Members(“Social care”)• Chetan Sharma( Group Coordinator).•…

Business Effluents characteristics of some selected food processing industries in enugu and anambra states of...

1. Journal of Environment and Earth Science ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online) Vol. 3, No.9, 2013 46 Effluents Characteristics of Some Selected…