Documents tagged
Documents Jornadas Futuros Aceleradores, Barcelona May8th ‘09 R&D lines @ IFCA Iván Vila Álvarez Instituto...

Slide 1Jornadas Futuros Aceleradores, Barcelona May8th ‘09 R&D lines @ IFCA Iván Vila Álvarez Instituto de Física de Cantabria Slide 2 Main Actors, Roles & R&D…

Documents 1 HEP Roadmap in India relevant to International Design Study for a Neutrino Factory Naba K Mondal.....

Slide 1 1 HEP Roadmap in India relevant to International Design Study for a Neutrino Factory Naba K Mondal Tata Institute, India Slide 2 2 High Energy Physics Activities…

Documents 1 Neutron Monitor Workshop 3(A): Microcontroller Principles and the Demo Board Mahidol University...

Slide 1 1 Neutron Monitor Workshop 3(A): Microcontroller Principles and the Demo Board Mahidol University January 5, 2010 Paul Evenson University of Delaware Bartol Research…

Documents Datasheet XCD_detector de Gas Metano

Sensepoint XCD Flammable, toxic and Oxygen gas detector for industrial applications Sensepoint XCD The Sensepoint XCD range provides comprehensive monitoring of flammable,…

Documents 1. 2 CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research Founded in 1954 by 12 countries – Norway one....

Slide 1 1 Slide 2 2 CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research Founded in 1954 by 12 countries – Norway one of them Today: 20 member states, around 2500 staff –…

Documents Mechanical design of the Roman pots

Mechanical design of the Roman pots Status report M.Oriunno Common project with EST Division (L.Favre, G.Laurent and R.Perret) Conceptual Design of the Roman Pot is made…

Documents INDIA-BASED NEUTRINO OBSERVATORY (INO) STATUS REPORT Naba K Mondal Tata Institute of Fundamental...

INDIA-BASED NEUTRINO OBSERVATORY (INO) STATUS REPORT Naba K Mondal Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai, India NUFACT Scoping Study Meeting at CERN, 22-24 September,…

Documents WAPP 2009 - Darjeeling, India December 10-11-12, 2009 The ARGO-YBJ experiment: results and...

The ARGO-YBJ experiment: results and perspectives Paolo Camarri on behalf of the ARGO-YBJ collaboration University of Roma “Tor Vergata” and INFN WAPP 2009 Darjeeling,…

Documents C. Fernández Bedoya on behalf of DT Upgrade group.

C. Fernández Bedoya on behalf of DT Upgrade group PHASE 1 (2013-2014) * Replacement of theta TRB (Trigger boards) * Relocation of Sector Collector from the cavern (UXC)…

Documents Itzhak Tserruya, BNL, May13, 20031 HBD R&D Update: Demonstration of Hadron Blindness A. Kozlov, I......

HBD R&D Update: Demonstration of Hadron Blindness A. Kozlov, I. Ravinovich, L. Shekhtman and I. Tserruya Weizmann Institute, Rehovot May 13, 2003 Detector R&D Goals…