Technology Design thinking techniques to explore and uncover failure patterns sgphx

Design Thinking Techniques to explore and uncover Failure patterns @catherinelouis, @PoDojo [email protected] Scrum Gathering Phoenix 2015 Schedule for the next 45 minutes:…

Leadership & Management Redesigning the UX of Employment

Redesigning the UX of Employment I believe that existing company practices for hiring and âmanagingâ knowledge workers do not support the development of happy, fulfilled…

Leadership & Management Redesigning the UX of employment @ UBXD 0215

1. Redesigning the UX of Employment I believe that company practices for hiring and “managing” knowledge workers do not support the development of happy, fulfilled and…

Documents Design Thinker Overview En

Design Thinker Experience Innovation TM âFour hours that could change your life!â Alison Drewell, VP Retail, VF Corporation C O N C R E T E A B S T R A C T Define the Challenge…

Business PegaWorld 2014 Presentation: Process in the Age of the Customer

1. Making Leaders Successful Every Day 2. Process In The Age Of The Customer Clay Richardson, Principal Analyst June 9, 2014 3. © 2014 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction…

Documents SeriouslyCreative Most Popular Engagement/Teambuilding Sessions

We Are: Engaging Sessions and Workshops Facilitators specializing in design thinking techniques proven to get organizations to collaborate and as a team get to new, breakthrough,…