Documents tagged
Technology SQL Azure from Day of Azure II

1. Lynn Langit - @llangitIke Ellishttp://EllisTeam.blogspot.comtwitter - @EllisTeam1 2. Windows Azure PlatformCompute:Virtualized…

Technology Sql azure dec_2010 Lynn & Ike

1. Lynn Langit - @llangitIke Ellishttp://EllisTeam.blogspot.comtwitter - @EllisTeam1 2. Windows Azure PlatformCompute:Virtualized…

Technology Session 3c The SF SaaS Framework

1.SaaS Security UsingFederated Identity ManagementAzure AppFabric Access Control Service (ACS)Windows Identity Foundation (WIF)2. What Were The Requirements?• Favor proven…

Education LOs Modelization Miguel CBUC June 2004

1. Structure of LO’s Modeling for eLearning Miguel Rodr í guez Artacho UNED University [email_address] 2. What is ‘educational content’? Educational material developed…

Technology Almacenamiento para Aplicaciones en la nube: Azure Storage

1. Almacenamiento para aplicaciones en la nube Conociendo Azure Storage 2. About Me Desarrollador en el Equipo .NET Trabajamos con Windows 8, Windows Phone, Windows Azure,…

Documents Microsoft Office SharePoint Server(Moss) (Basics)

Slide 1 Microsoft Office SharePoint Server(Moss) (Basics) Ashok Kandula, Pune. Agenda : Evaluation of MOSS Need of SharePoint in this Business World. Step-By-Step Installation…

Documents Microsoft Office SharePoint Server(Moss) (Basics) Ashok Kandula, Pune.

Slide 1 Microsoft Office SharePoint Server(Moss) (Basics) Ashok Kandula, Pune. Agenda : Evaluation of MOSS Need of SharePoint in this Business World. Step-By-Step Installation…

Documents Microsoft Office SharePoint Server(Moss) (Basics)

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server(Moss) (Basics). Ashok Kandula, IHLX, Pune. Agenda : . Evaluation of MOSS Need of SharePoint in this Business World. Step-By-Step Installation…