Documents tagged
Documents Polio Cases as of 31 December 2008 Uttar Pradesh, India.

Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5 Slide 6 Polio Cases as of 31 December 2008 Slide 7 Uttar Pradesh, India Slide 8 Wild Poliovirus Distribution Nigeria 2007 – 2008…

Documents District 6980 District Designated Funds DDF Presented at Foundation Seminar September 10, 2011 By...

Slide 1 District 6980 District Designated Funds DDF Presented at Foundation Seminar September 10, 2011 By Bob Shydo DDF Administrator Slide 2 District Designated Funds (DDF)…

Documents The Rotary Foundation 2015-16 D9650 District Muster - Tamworth 17 October 2015 PDG Jo Wilkin RDFC...

Slide 1The Rotary Foundation 2015-16 D9650 District Muster - Tamworth 17 October 2015 PDG Jo Wilkin RDFC 2015-16 PDG Ken Hall Grants Chair 2015-16 Slide 2 OUTLINE Slide 3…

Documents The Rotary Foundation 2014-15 D9650 Conference 30 March 2014 PDG Ken Hall District Foundation Chair.

Slide 1 The Rotary Foundation 2014-15 D9650 Conference 30 March 2014 PDG Ken Hall District Foundation Chair Slide 2 WHAT IS THE ROTARY FOUNDATION? A not-for-profit corporation…