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Technology eBay: A lean & agile content case study by Michael B. Jones

HEADLINE IN ARIAL REGULAR 39PT, ALL UPPERCASE Copyright © Institut Lean France 2013 3 & 4 October, 2013 Paris, France European Lean IT Summit 2013 Lean & Agile…

Technology Agile in a highly regulated organization 2014

Agile in a Highly Regulated Organization Tami Flowers KCDC - May 15, 2014 Agile in a Highly Regulated Organization TitaniumSponsors PlatinumSponsors Gold Sponsors I worked…

Business Creating the Agile IT Organisation

1. Creating the Agile IT OrganisationA Formicio Point of View 2. Agility is an organisational capability that can be developedor destroyed by the actions of leaders Organisational…

Technology Introducing Agile

1. Introducing Agile 2. Realities of software development Requirementswill change Cost of change is high Plans don’t effectively accommodate change 3. Traditional Process…

Leadership & Management How Agile Can Make You a Better Executive (or not)

1. How Agile Can Make You a Better Executive Hala Saleh Agile Coach, Product Manager, Entrepreneur @HalaSaleh1 2. Who Am I? • Hala Saleh, CSM,…

Presentations & Public Speaking 10 Essential Tips for Conquering Agile Transition

1. 1 10 Essential Tips for Conquering Agile Transition Obaidur (OB) Rashid Senior Director, Product Development Oracle Corporation 2. 2 Disclaimer # 1 Opinions expressed…

Technology Implementing Scrum with Microsoft Team Foundation Service (TFS)

1.Day II Implementing Scrum with Microsoft Team Foundation Service (TFS) 2. Day I Review 2Aspenware: Scrum with TFS – Day II 3. Day I Topics • TFS Overview • TFS Version…

Technology Agile Team Smells : Early Detection and Fixes by Anurag Shrivastava

1.Agile Team SmellsAgile NCR 2010Presented by Anurag Shrivastava, MD,Xebia IT Architects India Pvt. Ltd.and Founder of Agile NCR 2. ContextSmall company engaged in offshore…

Technology Introduction to Kanban

1.INTRODUCTION TOKANBAN2. Presenters• Will Iverson • Special Guest:• CTO, Dynacron Group • Peter Turner• Author, Architect Scrum Master• Elise Shapiro • Sr.…

Technology Agile Myths and Legends

1.Agile: Myths and Legends FEATURING: TFS AND VISUAL STUDIO 20122. Angela DuganApplication Lifecycle ManagementProject Leadership.NET SolutionsMobile Solutions 3. Obligatory…