Education Internet Safety

1.  2. Ms Naheelah Irving Technology Coordinator [email_address] 3. BENEFITS The Internet plays important roles in:School Communication Business Research Entertainment4.…

Documents Cyber Time. Personal Info NEVER share your name, address, and phone number!!! Anything you...

Slide 1Cyber Time Slide 2 Personal Info NEVER share your name, address, and phone number!!! Anything you wouldn’t tell a stranger in real life, don’t share on the internet.…

Documents Financial Fraud and the Internet Det. Missy Coyne Baltimore County Police Department.

Slide 1Financial Fraud and the Internet Det. Missy Coyne Baltimore County Police Department Slide 2 Goals To define Social Networking and it’s dangers To be able to identify…

Documents Technology Standard III: Legal, Social and Ethical Issues Caitlyn Stone.

Slide 1  Technology Standard III: Legal, Social and Ethical Issues Caitlyn Stone Slide 2 Ethical Issues  Ethical Issues include: Social Networking Acceptable use policies…

Documents TEEN SUICIDE Jaren Cooper Javen Horn-Shepherd Sabrina Cornejo.

Slide 1 TEEN SUICIDE Jaren Cooper Javen Horn-Shepherd Sabrina Cornejo Slide 2 Verbal and physical abuse from peers and family causes low self-esteem, which can possibly lead…

Documents Cyberbullying is a growing problem that impacts kids nationwide every day. And as parents and...

Cyber bullying Cyber bullying Done by Tanushree 9G3 What causes cyber bullying Cyberbullying is a growing problem that impacts kids nationwide every day. And as parents and…