Documents tagged
Technology How To: Set up a Custom Facebook Application for your Promotion (Page App)

1. How To Create a Custom Facebook App for your Strutta Promotion 2. Before You Create Your Custom Facebook App You need to know what type of Strutta promotion site you’ll…

Social Media How To: Set up a Custom Facebook Application for your Promotion (Microsite)

1. How To Create a Custom Facebook App for your Strutta Promotion 2. Before You Create Your Custom Facebook App You need to know what type of Strutta promotion site you’ll…

Social Media How To: Set up a Custom Facebook Application for your Promotion (Iframe)

1. How To Create a Custom Facebook App for your Strutta Promotion 2. Before You Create Your Custom Facebook App You need to know what type of Strutta promotion site you’ll…

Business HOW TO: Create a Custom Facebook App for your Strutta Power Promo

1.How ToCreate a Custom Facebook App for your Strutta promotion2. Why create a Custom Facebook App for your Strutta Power Promo contest or sweepstakes? This PRO Package feature…

Social Media How To: Set up a Custom Facebook App for your Promotion (Canvas App)

1. How To Create a Custom Facebook App for your Strutta Promotion 2. Before You Create Your Custom Facebook App You need to know what type of Strutta promotion site you’ll…

Business Matt Coen's Presentation from Transforming the Local Sales Model Conference

1. How to DriveMeasurableResults forAdvertiserswithPromotions 2. WHO WE AREIncrease ROI, Build &Engage Audience 3. CCaassee S Stutuddieiess PProrommootitoionn E ExxaammpplelessPPlalayybbooookkss…