Design Getting to know you: User research fundamentals anyone can use

1. Getting to know you User research fundamentals anyone can use Karen L. Bachmann Research & Analysis Practice Lead, Perficient XD @karenbachmann #stc14 2. © 2014 K.…

Business Prototyping & Testing

1. Kyued Up Prototype + Test 3.15.14 2. E D I P T Empathize Define Ideate Prototype Test 3. 1 minute Describe your solution and how it solves the problem. 4. What does (their)…

Business Kyued Up + Local Experts #designthinking

1. Exercise 2. Participants 3. Mentors 4. Local Experts 5. What is design thinking? 6. What is design thinking? A methodology to innovate based on empathy, creativity and…

Business Empathize + Define @Kyued Up

1. Kyued Up Empathize + Define 2.22.14 2. Reminder 3. 35daysand counting….. 4. +Feedback +Presentations Local Experts FeedbackDifferent Topics 5. Refresher 6. Write down…