Documents tagged
Documents Securitisation

Concept of Securitisation and Its Role in Promoting Economy and Capital Markets Prepared by Prof. K.Prabhakar Director, KSR College of Technology, KSR Kalvinagar, Tiruchengodu-637209…

Documents NAIC Staff Summary of Reports.doc

1. To: Michael McRaith, Director of the Illinois Division of Insurance andChair of the Rating Agency (E) Working GroupEric Dinallo, Superintendent of the New York Insurance…

Economy & Finance Landbank of the Philippines

1. LANDBANKOF THE PHILIPPINES 2. Industry Ranking LANDBANK is one of the top banks in the Philippines. It recorded the second highest net income among all commercial banks…

Economy & Finance The Case for AAA Underlying Municipal Bonds

1. Municipal Bond AAA Underlying Investment OpportunityIan [email protected]*Please see the end for important information regarding credit ratings…

Economy & Finance Financing Programs for Energy Efficiency

1. Matthew H. Brown Harcourt Brown Energy & Finance [email protected] 246 8847 2. Consulting firm with a specialty in clean energy financing & related…

Economy & Finance Financing Energy Efficiency: Overview and Lessons (Aceee presentation)

1. Matthew H. Brown Harcourt Brown LLC [email_address] 720 246 8847 2. Consulting firm with a specialty in financing for clean energy & environmental strategy. Domestic…

Business Financing Energy Efficiency: Credit Enhancements and Leveraging Strategies

1. Financing Energy Efficiency:Credit Enhancements and Leveraging Strategies Matthew H. Brown ConoverBrown LLC [email_address] 720 246 8847 2. ConoverBrown LLC Consulting…

Economy & Finance Financing Energy Efficiency: Credit Enhancements and Leveraging Strategies

1. Financing Energy Efficiency:Credit Enhancements and Leveraging Strategies Matthew H. Brown ConoverBrown LLC [email_address] 720 246 8847 2. ConoverBrown LLC Consulting…

Economy & Finance Securitization and Mortgage-Backed Securities

1. Chapter 11Securitization and Mortgage-Backed Securities 2. Securitization • Securitization refers to a process in which the assets of a corporation or financial institution…

Business Creative Industry Ecosystem

1.Creative Industry Ecosystem In Indonesia Andi S. Boediman Strategic Consultant Creative Industry Evangelist 2. Why Creative Industry? 3. Creative Industries: a Definition“..those…