Documents tagged
Education University of Hawai'i - Library & Information Science Fall 2013 Orientation

1. Agenda Today UH email set up UH Login vs. UH LIS Lab login My UH Class Schedule Transcripts Registration Scholarships 2. Agenda…continued SECE/UHM employment What is…

Education Library Session For Adms 4444

1. Library Session for ADMS 4444Meghan Ecclestone, Business LibrarianBronfman Business Library 2. AgendaIntroduction to the LibrariesUsing the library’s new catalogueFinding…

Education E-LEARN: The Evans Library Website Overview

1. LIBRARY collectsthe most frequentlyused services here atEvans Library. 2. The ACCOUNT section lets you manage your interlibrary…

Education Oct 15 NISO Webinar: 21st Century Resource Sharing: Which Inter-Library Loan Standard Should I Use?

1. Webinar21st Century Resource Sharing:Which Inter-Library LoanStandard Should I Use?October 15, 2014Speakers:Ted…

Education Final Josh Kim Counterpoint Educause December 09

1. This session will compare and contrast approaches in the use of learning management technologies in higher education:an enterprise model where a learning management system…

Documents W13 libr250 library catalog (books & more)

1. Library Catalog (Books & More)Learning outcomes:• Search the library OPAC fluently.• Locate information remotely and physically byutilizing URLs & call numbers.•…

Education Library services

1. Oregon StateUniversityValley Library Speakers Today: Laurie (the Librarian) Our Library:Frequently Asked Questions 2. Where can you get these things? 3. You get all of…

Education TREX 1001

1. Success @ HML =Success @ ONU Traci Welch Moritz Public Services Librarian/Assistant Professor Heterick Memorial Library 2. Welcome to the Library 3. What you can expect…

Education Transfer students and the library

1. Success @ HML = Success @ ONU Traci Welch MoritzPublic Services Librarian/Assistant Professor Heterick Memorial Library 2. WELCOME to the LIBRARY 3. What you can expect…

Education Information Overload! - Finding and Using Information @ your STU library

1. Information Overload!Information is everywhere, we’re here to help you find and make sense of it. 2. What we offer:Reference and Research Assistance 3. Books and E-Books…