Documents tagged
Education Peace And Environment Expert Panel U Syd Dan Cass 2009

1. Where is peace? Personal reflections for ‘Making Connections’ University of SydneyPost-graduate summer school 2009 Dan Cass 2. 1980s :growing up under the cloud 3.…

Technology Social Media and your Career

1. ••• 2. 3. DATAThainClient – – Integrated Marketing and Communications…

Documents Cmat 101 final project

1. Welcome to SU 2. Flyer• Be a reporter• Be an informer• Write about– Social issues– University policy– Student life• Let your voice be heard• "The…

Documents Three starter tasks Dish washing If 8 students take 2 hours to wash dishes, how many hours would 12....

Slide 1Three starter tasks Dish washing If 8 students take 2 hours to wash dishes, how many hours would 12 students take to wash the same number of dishes? Multiples of 4…

Business Slideshare as a Social Media Tool

1.Slideshare as a Social Media Tool How to build quality networks, contribution and participation. Walter Adamson #@g2m Certified Social Media Consultant [email_address]…

News & Politics Alan Hamilton - Real-world Social Business Adoption Tricks and Tips

1.© 2013 IBM Corporation MGT: Real-world Social Business Adoption Tricks and Tips 2. 2 © 2013 IBM Corporation Three Stories • Early Adopters • Low Hanging Fruit •…

Business #10NIC Social media for immunization promotion & education dac10

1.Social Media for Immunization Promotion & Education Tools for Getting Started On Social MediaPresented by Dawn Crawford Communications Director 2. Why We Must Engage…

Marketing National Philanthropy Day in CT 2013

1. Rallying Support for a Common Cause Drive Action and Inspire ChangeCo-Communications Jessica Lyon, Senior Vice President Danielle M. Cyr, Senior Director of Integrated…

Education TEL - Designing Learning for the 21st Century Classroom: Realizing our Purpose

1. Welcome to Designing Learning for the 21st Century Classroom: Realizing Our Purpose! Before we get started - be sure to set up your audio. Click on ‘tools’, ‘audio’,…

Documents SMIII-103 Configuration Management (Marimba) Deployment

9/3/2006 BMC Configuration Management (Marimba) Best Practices and Troubleshooting Andy Santosa Senior Technical Support Analyst 9/3/2006 ©2006 BMC Software2 Agenda ⺅