Education Tips For Landing Your Dream Job

1. 2. 3. Ideally, your resume should not exceed one pageInclude all contact details at top of page; use a professional email address(for…

Business Microsoft @ KSU opening session

1. Microsoft @ KSUOpening Session 2. What is Microsoft @ KSU?• Microsoft @ KSU is astudent club which aimsto create links betweenuniversity and businessenvironments.•…

Business Employment in Spain 2

EMPLOYMENT IN SPAIN On the dole Unemployment in Almendralejo The number of unemployed people has almost doubled since the recession started Unemployed Youths Reasons for…

Business Employment in spain (1)

EMPLOYMENT IN SPAIN On the dole Unemployment in Almendralejo The number of unemployed people has almost doubled since the recession started Unemployed Youths Reasons for…

Documents How to Create a Winning Resume Presented by: Bethany Bagley College of Education Career Consultant.....

Slide 1 How to Create a Winning Resume Presented by: Bethany Bagley College of Education Career Consultant Making the Grade in YOUR Job Search: A Teacher’s Guide to Career…

Documents How to Create a Winning Resume

How to Create a Winning Resume How to Create a Winning Resume Presented by: Bethany Bagley College of Education Career Consultant Making the Grade in YOUR Job Search: A Teacherâs…