Documents tagged
News & Politics Photoshop

1. Photoshopping 2. • ent/business_practices/ethics.html 3. Presidential Primaries, 2004. John Kerry June 1971. Jane Fonda1972.…

Documents Digital Manipulation

Digital Manipulation Jennifer Burrus Bryce Keogh Carrie Wu Hannah Choe The Technology Behind It All How pictures are stored - Ones and Zeros Colors Body Image and Self Esteem…

Documents Lincoln’s head but, John Calhoun’s body

Slide 1 My name is Ray Thomas and I work as a web designer at Indiana State University. Iâve been collecting postcards for around 10 years and Iâd like to show you some…

Documents 1984 Pre-Reading IS HISTORY STABLE?. JOURNAL Does the history that we read, watch, and study reflect...

1984 Pre-Reading IS HISTORY STABLE? JOURNAL Does the history that we read, watch, and study reflect the reality? Who writes history text books? Can history be rewritten?…

Documents Detect Digital Image Forgeries

Detect Digital Image Forgeries Ting-Wei Hsu History of photo manipulation 1860 the portrait of Lincoln is a composite of Lincoln’s head and John Calhoun’s body History…